It’s always a joy to see clients return to the studio because I love seeing how they’ve grown since I saw them previously. I’ve been lucky enough to work with little Judah for newborn and baby photos and now again for his milestone one-year portraits, and I couldn’t be more excited to share this newest photo collection with you! Not only is sweet Judah growing up fast, but he’s learning and exploring along the way, and I had so much fun working with him to capture all his new expressions and features as he learns about the great-big world around him.
So much happens and changes during the first year of a baby’s life, and when they turn one, it’s an explosion of activity and movement—and just about all of it is adorably photo-worthy! So what’s a family to do? Little Judah’s family had a plan from the very beginning to preserve heart-melting memories by scheduling professional photo sessions at the Andrea Sollenberger Studio at regular intervals. By doing this, they made sure they would capture important milestone moments along the way…all while enjoying stress-free moments filled with his sweet giggles and laughs.
Little Judah is so precious in his denim bib overalls as he shows off his balancing skills in a round-bottom basket. Of course, he’s sitting on the floor on a super-soft and furry surface just in case of wobbles or bobbles! The camera captures the innocent expression of wonder and exploration on his face, and his little fingers and toes are on full display so everyone can see exactly how much he’s grown since his baby and newborn pictures.
It’s so much fun to get shots of little ones as they are learning to crawl and toddle around, and little Judah didn’t disappoint as he decided to take off and explore his surroundings. Digging his fingers into the furry white rug underneath him for some tactile fun, he took off on hands and knees to get a better look at the camera and the studio settings around him.
I love his sweet expression as he makes eye contact with the camera in this photo! And this is the perfect image to show off some of Judah’s new one-year-old skills and remember just how much he’s learned in the past twelve months. At one year old, many babies are sitting without help, crawling, improving hand-eye coordination and doing things like waving hello and goodbye, and working on more advanced cognitive skills like imitating adult actions.
Babies can learn new skills in the blink of an eye and move on to new things just as quickly—and that’s why professional portraits are so important. Not only is it fun to watch little ones learn and grow, but it’s also important to be able to look back on these milestone moments and remember all the emotion that came along with every moment of baby’s growth and development.
This happy guy has the world at his feet…and everyone in the studio wrapped around his little finger! And with this adorable grin, who could blame us for falling for his super-sweet toddler charm? Sporting bare feet and rolled denim overall cuffs, adorable Judah digs his tiny tootsies into the super-soft fur of the rug beneath him and gives the camera a smile that shows off all of his front teeth, animated eyes, and squishable, kissable cheeks that are sure to get him loads of love from mommy and everyone else, too!
More friendly than fierce, this little lion keeps adorable Judah company for a few of my favorite shots. The perfect photo prop for a little boy, this stuffed lion is perches perfectly at Judah’s feet to deliver a little pop of masculine color, as well as a fun and lighthearted layer of whimsy.
Whether you decide to bring your own props from home or select your favorites from the extensive collection I have available in studio for clients to use, props are a way to personalize your photo collection and give it those special touches that make it unique to you and your family. It’s so much fun to work with clients to select props that help them feel like their portraits are one-of-a-kind reflections of their family and their memories!
I work with families in and around the Gainesville, Florida, area to create gorgeous professional portrait packages they are proud to display in their homes and share with family and friends. At the Andrea Sollenberger Studio, I will work with clients to create beautiful maternity portrait collections, newborn photo collections, as well as children and family photo collections. I love to help families share their memories in professional and timeless portraits they can look back on through the years as their little ones grow.
Ready to get creative and capture lasting images of your family and little ones? Contact me to get started.
For many families, it’s tradition to get a few “birthday suit” or naked baby photos while little ones are still innocently unaware. After all, how else are parents going to have those wonderfully embarrassing photos for future graduations and weddings?
At the Andrea Sollenberger Studio, I make sure to keep things tasteful and modest for baby, however, so that we can still capture those sweet and funny birthday suit pictures while keeping baby’s bum artfully covered with fabric, throws, or other creative prop placements. In Judah’s photos, you’ll notice he’s on a fuzzy rug with his legs strategically crossed to ensure that nothing shows except his adorable smile and his growing arms and legs!
Judah’s eyes twinkle as he looks over his shoulder with a mischievous grin! Still in his birthday suit, this angle gives a good view of his soft baby skin and a few of the baby wrinkles that are still left over as he grows. His great-big smile gives a perfect view of his brand-new bottom chompers, too, which is a perfect way to remember this stage of his little life!
Dressed in a mini version of every guy’s favorite workwear, Judah is cute as can be as he shows off a tiny pair of Carhartt overalls that perfectly coordinate with his lion pal’s beige color palette. It’s always super special when parents coordinate outfits and props that are meaningful to them into their baby’s photo session.
When I meet with parents, I encourage them to think of things we can introduce into baby’s photos that will be meaningful to them when they look back on baby’s photos over the years. For example, things that relate to parents’ work, hobbies, or favorite pastimes are great ways to add meaning and personalize portraits.
It was such a joy to see Judah and his family back in my studio! Precious Judah is growing and learning so many things, and he’s absolutely adorable as he explores everything around him. I love knowing this family will be able to take home forever keepsakes of their little boy’s one-year milestones in the form of professional portraits they can hang in their home, and I can’t wait to see the next milestones this little guy hits.
If you’re in the Gainesville, Florida, area and are looking for an infant or baby photographer, contact me for more information or to get started on your portrait journey. Be sure to keep following the blog, too, for full session highlights to kickstart your creative ideas, and follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest for fun ideas for props, poses, and more. Can’t wait to see you in studio!
With bright sparkling eyes and a big grin it is easy to see that Judah is enjoying his professional photo shoot! He will soon be hard to capture with the lens so it is a good thing his parents made this a priority! It’s nice to meet you sweet little Judah!!
Oh, Thank you Christine. Babies of this age are often on the move, crawling or even walking out of the camera frame. I am up for the challenge because this stage captures amazing baby photos that Mom and Dad will love!
So many changes and milestones from newborn to first birthday!!! How wise for the parents to schedule several sessions during the first year to capture those special moments!! Each photo is precious! Beautiful work!!
Thank you Marty. There really is such a striking difference in a baby from month to month during their first year. There are so many developmental stages that they go through. Parents who want to remember all the fun and cute baby stages will be sure to get milestone baby photos every few months. In just one year baby will be upright!
This baby is adorable–such great images from his one year old session! He has so much personality!
Indeed Judah was fun to work with! I am so glad I was able to take his photos and capture for his parents the excitement of this stage of their baby’s life. Thanks Susan!
A new twist on the “lion of Judah” for sure. This little guy’s personality fills each portrait and is wonderfully captured.. A classic milestone photography session.
Yes, Makayla, that’s exactly right! Personality tells us all about this little fellow and there’s no better time to record the best one year old photos! I appreciate your great comments!
I love every single picture from Judah’s one year old session! His little baby teeth, that’s just so precious!
We had so much fun with Judah’s happy personality. One year olds show their character in big ways and this one was an entertainer. Every photo brought me sheer joy! Thanks Michelle!
Little Judah’s personality is popping out all over in these photos. The outfits and props compliment each other so well. I also love the perfectly posed birthday suit photos. There is nothing more adorable than a toddler at this age. These photos will be treasured for years to come.
The smiles and expressions we were able to catch for Judah’s session still make me smile so wide! His photos are filled with so much joy and excitement. It truly was fun to pose this baby and capture his personality. I am so glad you enjoyed this blog and grateful for your feedback! Thank you Susie!
Oh my goodness, little Judah is just precious! I love the little overalls they chose for his 1st birthday photos. Out of all the milestone’s, I think the first year photos are always my favorite!
Oh my goodness. Could this little one year old be any cuter. Love these milestone pictures for him
Oh my goodness Andrea, I cannot handle Judah’s cuteness!!! What an adorable little guy, and an amazingly captured milestone session! I would have LOVED photos like this when my kiddos were little! Amazing work, and beautiful art!
Stop! His smile just melts your heart. I love the personal touch of the lion cause one day those little things get forgotten.