Walk with me through the waiting and perseverance of James and April.
This beautiful couple of Gainesville, Florida,
will be married for ten years on December 30, 2017.
They have wanted for seven years to become parents.
And they have waited.
Finally, with in vitro fertilization (IVF)
and “God’s perfect timing”, as they gratefully reply,
their desire is on the way!
These two parents are bubbling with excitement over their
long awaited little ones- yes, two!
Fraternal twin girls.
Can you imagine being blessed with and anticipating
and then being prepared for two?
This is an awesome and unforgettable time for James and April as they wait.
The emotions are real.
I dearly love involving dads in maternity photos
and capturing some of the depth of their real feelings.
The love for their unborn babies is written all over those smiles.
James was good enough to stay for the whole session
and he doubled as an assistant for me at times,
tossing April’s wind blown gown.
April’s sister Mara also has twins, identical twin boys.
I can imagine that the entire extended family
is thrilled with the bonus of another set of twins,
but this time it is a set of twin girls.
A grand adventure is about to begin for James and April.
And they are documenting their story with photos,
love letters written loud and clear to their unborn babies.
Photos are a way of feeling and catching details forever,
the ways you glanced and wondered,
the smiles you shared looking down at your little ones,
so that years later…
what you value will not have been forgotten!
The dreams you dream
and the prayers you pray for your growing family matter…
The time of waiting and wonder until the miracle of new life
is finally placed in your arms…
These are moments that you never want to forget.
The journey to motherhood is a beautiful one and well worth documenting.
Pregnancy is such a touch of heaven.
If you had a doubt, doubt no longer.
Celebrate YOU and the precious LIFE inside you with maternity photos.
To capture the beauty of glowing mamas
while new life is stirring within them
is truly my honor.
I\’m at a loss for words because these pictures of captured so much emotion, love, compassion, joy, passion, and anticipation of what is to come. They bring such tears of joy. Personally I\’ve known James and April before they got married. What a great way to document this journey as their girls get ready to be born.
Andrea, you\’ve done a wonderful job capturing the essence of the glow, their love for each other, love for their girls already, and the blessing God is entrusting them. Can\’t wait to meet Winona and Renna.
Angela, I am so glad that you enjoyed this gallery of maternity photos. Working with April (and James) was a real treat, knowing how much they have wanted a baby and now will have twins! I am glad that you can see their love and journey even in the pictures of their maternity session! Thanks for your comments!
Stunning work
Thank you Joshua. These are sentimental memories for mom and for dad!
Those dresses are gorgeous!!! You captured this beautiful moment in their lives before their twins come!!!
Thanks so much Sydney. I love photographing moms in waiting while they are feeling active and able to pose easily, and their bellies are nicely rounded. Moms glow with the excitement of the moment. Thanks for your support and kind words!
Stunning maternity session and great story. I love all of her beautiful dresses.
This mama is truly beautiful, and she carries these twins so well. All of the maternity gowns are from my studio and are available to moms who come for maternity sessions. They are included in the maternity session price!
Just beautiful. These maternity gowns are stunning as well as the momma in them.
This maternity mom picked her own dress from my studio wardrobe of gowns. I think she did a wonderful job! She is beautiful indeed. Thank you for your visiting my site!
simply beautiful …stunning maternity photos
Thank you Ary. This time is short and it’s so important to capture the emotions and amazement of pregnancy that slips away once we get busy with life with babies! Thanks for stopping by!
I can not wait to see the babies! What a special time in this couples life! Thank you for capturing theses images!
It is wonderful to hear your excitement about the twins! Much anticipation for this set of babies, 10 years worth! I will be sure to share photos of the twins when they arrive! Thank you Gail for reading and sharing the fun!
These are amazing maternity images and mom to be is gorgeous. Congrats to the happy couple
Mom will be glad to hear that! Pregnancy is a beautiful experience and moms should own their beauty and strength during this special time!
What a stunning maternity session!
It was a priviledge to photography this beautiful mama knowing how long these babies had been wished and prayed for. Truly an honor. I am so glad that Dad could come and we could capture his emotions too!
Gorgeous maternity session! I especially love the back lit ones.
I love hearing about photo and posing favorites! Thank you so much for your kind words and helpful support Melissa!