To those who have birthed children or leapt at the opportunity to adopt or foster —
this tribute is for you.
For all the cuts and scrapes gently cleaned, the vans full of kids shuttled to practice,
the night long nurturing of babies and the waiting to make sure teens arrived home safely —
thank you!
To all the mothers who have invested themselves
physically, emotionally, spiritually, in every way, in another generation,
we honor you this Mother’s Day.
God has gifted mothers with everything they need to care for and nurture their children.
Motherhood is a gift and it is a journey,
filled with adventure and many moments of on-the-job training.
Mothers love their children fiercely and share beautiful moments that become beautiful years.
Each stage of life is precious.
The undeniable sound of a heartbeat,
the first movements of rolling and kicking in the womb, the evidence of life within,
make pregnancy a fascinating time of excitement, hope and expectation.
Once your tiny miracle is finally placed into your arms,
you find it is hard to imagine what life was like before their arrival.
Life has been added to yours, and life will never be the same from this moment forward.
Caring for your newborn is exhausting, but still each “first” fascinates and invigorates you.
The first time they smile, laugh, roll over, sit up, stand, and walk,
each is celebrated with a mother’s excitement and applause.
As you watch your child mature, you learn more about them,
and in the process they learn more about themselves.
Mothers have that gift of guiding and encouraging their children
as they discover their abilities, their strengths, their gifts,
and help them to become all that they are meant to be.
And in the blink of an eye, your baby is up and out and on their own, grown and flying,
just as their mother taught them well to do!
Mothers, we celebrate you this Mother’s Day!
Whether you are expecting, running around with toddlers,
cheering on the sidelines, paying for college tuition,
or nurturing another generation of grandbabies,
all of your love and sacrifice makes a difference.
You may not always feel the great significance of your contribution,
but yours is the job of shaping lives.
It is a gift generously given.
And you are to be honored!
I hope you are able to savor each moment with your children and grandchildren,
your mothers and your grandmothers, this Mother’s Day.
If you’re in the Gainesville area and are interested in maternity, newborn, or family photography, contact me at 352-213-1250.
I would love to help you cherish special moments that will live again and again in photographs.
A beautiful expression in word and art that pays tribute to the blessing that our mothers have been in all stages of life, birth, childhood, teen years(extra credit here) and how they show us how to age with grace…..beautiful and honorable in every stage of our journey. We thank them for their love!
Thank you, Christine. Beautiful words. Mothers are a gift, and I am so grateful for a holiday devoted to recognizing and affirming their longstanding investment in their loved offspring.
Andrea, your expression of love through words and the art of photography is so incredibly beautiful!!!
I appreciate your kind words, June. I sure do enjoy this job!
Some really lovely shots here.
These are breathtaking! Beautiful work!
Beautiful words about mothers and motherhood and amazing photography!
Wonderful post about mothers. You capture your clients beautifully!
Such a beautiful tribute to moms ❤️ you have a way with words
Such a beautiful tribute to all the mama’s out there <3
Moms sure deserve a holiday to recognize their devotion! Glad to capture beautiful photos that tell that story!
Beautiful studio images and how this process is done. I enjoyed reading your blog very much because you have so much love and care for your clients. Great job!
Such sweet words and beautiful photos.
It’s a strong love that moms show for their children, for a lifetime. Words do not exp[lain that connection but I am grateful that photos help to describe the emotions they feel. Thank you for your comment!
I am really happy to be a mother of three awesome boys!
It sounds like you appreciate them greatly, and because of your loving care and happiness they must value you just as much as you appriate them. Congratulations, Mama!